Frequently asked questions.
How can I book with RJM Landscape?
You can book a free estimate here! After you book an estimate, one of our representatives will visit your property to discuss services requested or help you develop a plan for your property. From there, we will provide you with a quote and get you on board.
What forms of payment are accepted?
RJM Landscape accepts all major debit and credit cards, as well as cash, checks, and ACH payments. For your convenience, we also offer secure, automatic online payment options to ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience. We also offer different billing cadences to best suit your needs.
How often do you mow?
We mow on a weekly cadence. At the beginning of the season, you will have an assigned day which the crew will stick to for the duration of the season. Weekly mowing allows for optimal results, and a consistently well maintained lawn.
What is included in a Spring Clean-Up?
A Spring clean-up include clearing the entire property of all leaves, sticks, and debris, as well as edging all of the beds, pruning any bushes, shrubs, and plants, as needed, mulching, and weed treatments upon request.
What happens if it rains?
In the event of rain, services are typically rescheduled to the next workable day. In the event that is not the case, we will reach out to you directly to re-schedule a date that works best for you.
Is RJM insured?
Yes, RJM Landscape is fully licensed and insured.
How does RJM pricing work?
There are a number of factors that go into the pricing of your property, including size, scale, and materials required. To see what your price would be, please book your free quote here.
What is the best way to contact RJM?
The best way to contact us with all comments, concerns, and questions is by our phone number. 781-264-6216